7956 S. 56th Ave

Montague, MI

About Us

The Pasturage, LLC is a woman-owned, small, diversified grazing operation. Julie Engel adheres to the highest animal welfare principles, and as a result, you get to eat incredible meat that is good for you, good for the planet, and good for our local economy. Good God, let’s eat!

Ingredients We Use

Please see individual descriptions for ingredients.

Our Practices

The sheep are Animal Welfare Approved and Certified Grass-fed. Both of these third party certifications are administered by A Greener World. The pigs are born and raised on the farm, outside since the moment they enter the world. They are a heritage cross between Kune Kune and Ossabaw, lending an extraordinary red meat. They are fed Certified organic grain, hay and range on pasture year-round. They are slaughtered at an Animal Welfare Approved facility. The rabbits are 100% grass-fed on pasture in a system developed by Julie called The Coney Garth.


The farm was purchased with joint financing between the Farm Service Agency and Iroquois Valley Farms, a really cool company investing in organic farm land. Check them out!


Pop. Born and raised in Fruitport, Michigan, I call it pop. However, after living abroad in Wisconsin for ten years, and other exotic states (like Illinois) for another ten, I find one West Michigan linguistic habit particularly puzzling: all sausage in a certain fat link form is called a brat. Hm. Andouille is not a brat. Kielbasa is not a brat. Chorizo is not a brat. Bratwurst is a brat. I also do not understand the propensity to put things in brats. Like vegetables. Since when has any self-respecting mid-westerner ever advocated to put asparagus in their bratwurst? I mean, I know we grow acres and acres of the green stick, but put it in your omelette! Please, my dear West Michiganders, do enlighten me and tell me why this is so, and how long has this been going on? Stop by the Muskegon Farmers Market or Sweetwater Local Foods Market and tell me this Saturday, or by the farm any other day, and while you are there, pick up some real Wisconsin-approved bratwurst from The Pasturage.

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