About Us

We are a local family farm providing great quality produce to West Michigan! You can find our produce at area farmers markets, restaurants and we have a CSA program available year round. Together our family farms about 100 acres of produce. We have greenhouses and a large cold storage that helps us to extend our season and have fresh produce available year round.

Farming is not just a job to us but our way of life and our passion. We enjoy planting the crops, watching them grow, harvesting and then bringing them to our customers for their families to enjoy. Our dream of farming is as true today as it was back when our family immigrated here in the 1800’s . Farming is a tradition that seems to be getting lost as time goes on and it is our hope that we can preserve the love of farming and hard work for our children and their families. We absolutely could not do this without the support of our amazing crew, family, friends and customers.

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